First beginning with puraka, jump the legs open to the right, three feet apart, strech the arms out wide on either side of the torso at the chest level, and hold; this is the first vinyasa. Then, turn the right foot to the right and exhaling, reach down and take hold of the big toe of the right foot with the right hand, lift up the other arm, fix the gate on the fingertips, and do puraka and rechaka slowly and as much as possible; this is the 2nd vinyasa, both knees must be kept straight (see figure). Then, doing, puraka return to the position of the 1st Vinyasa, and hold; this is the 3rd vinyasa. Then, turn the left foot to the left, and doing rechaka, reach down and take holf of the big toe, gate at the tip of the raised hand, and do puraka and rechaka as much as possible; this is the 4th vinyasa. Then, doing puraka, return to the position of the 1st vinyasa; this is the 5th vinyasa. Then, return to Samasthiti
Utthita Trikonasana dissolves the bad fat at the waist, and brings the body into shape. It also narrow portion of the breathing channel and strengthens the backbone.
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